Rare Vintage Don Featherstone Blow Mold Halloween Skeleton with Top Hat PLUS!

Rare and very hard to find, this is a vintage 38 orange, black & white Halloween blow mold skeleton in a top hat, manufactured at Union Products in Leominster MA and signed by Don Featherstone. I mentioned a PLUS this listing includes a story. When I met my now-husband in 1990 he was employed at Union Products in the tool shop, making alllll the different blow molds including the very popular holiday ones, and his Dad (my now father-in-law) was the foreman of said tool shop. The fact that my husband could've brought home all the free blow molds he wanted but because I thought they were "ugly and tacky"????? He never brought any home.
Yes, I know, stupid stupid stupid. Anyway, they worked together for many years, so I got to meet Don and his wife Nancy a few times. Did you know that Nancy not only made ALL their clothes, but she always made them matching outfits, so they could wear the same outfit together every day. Not only that, but when Don went on business trips, Nancy packed his suitcase with notes for which day to wear what, so that even when he was gone they'd still be in matching outfits. He's approx 38 tall, not in perfect condition as he was used for many years.
The light is not the original but better than no light at all. See all photos for condition, feel free to request any additional photos of him. Check out my other items, you might just find something you never knew you needed.